Testing Product Lines of Cyber-Physical Systems




Mohammad Mousavi

Computer Systems Engineering at Halmstad University

"Testing Product Lines of Cyber-Physical Systems"

The number of possible configurations of a Volvo truck is more than the particles of the whole universe. Hence, test-driving each and every configuration is out of question. One needs to tame several aspects of scalability in order to come up with a fast and feasible methodology of testing for product lines of cyber-physical systems. 

Such a scalable methodology should provide means for: 

• Modelling of variability, 
• modularizing test-case generation for various (combinations of) features,
• predicting the effect of various behavioral interactions  among features,
• selecting a minimal set of products that provide maximal coverage for the product line behavior, and
• effective re-testing strategies among products to maximize re-use and minimize the effort. 


In this presentation, we provide alternative solutions for these aspects of testing product lines. We also provide a roadmap of the challenges and possible solutions introduced due to the complex interaction among the connected computer systems and the physical entities.  



  • Nederlands
  • English (UK)

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