Tentative programme:

09.15-10.00 Registration and coffee  

Opening words

Frank Stappers and Tim Willemse


Keynote: Testing Times: 20 years of research and collaboration in testing

Ed Brinksma

 11.00-11.30 Coffee break - Poster Sessions  

 Testing Based Modelling

Maarten Damen, Wouter Geurts, Michel Reniers


Specification-based Testing of Object-oriented Programs with T2

Wishnu Prasetya, Tanja Vos

 [PDF ]
 12.30-14.00 Lunch - Poster Sessions  

A check on the testability of requirements and designs and preserving review information

Jef Bergsma


Do Services Require Online Testing? -- A Case Study!

Michaela Greiler, Arie van Deursen, Hans-Gerhard Gross


 Testing in the medical world; practical experiences with the FDA (audit)

 Patrick Duisters

 15.30-16.00  Coffee break - Poster Sessions  

 Cheaper load testing using fewer simulated users

 Pim Kars


 Things to consider before applying TTCN-3

Erik Altena


Closing words

Frank Stappers and Tim Willemse


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'De Nederlandse Testdag' is een conferentie over alle aspecten van software testen waarbij wetenschap, onderwijs en bedrijfsleven elkaar ontmoeten om nieuwe ideeën en inzichten te delen.


Organisatie Testdag 2015: testdag2015@testdag.nl
Website administrator: webmaster@testdag.nl