What will the future of testing look like?
We started with the waterfall method and today we use terms such as ‘agile’ or ‘scrum’. During the Dutch Testing Day we want to look forward: What will the future of testing look like? What is the significance of Social media? Mobile? Security? The role of the software tester will change. The themes we expect to be of importance in the future are:

-          Continuous delivery
-          Mobile
-          Crowd
-          Big data
-          Security
-          Privacy
-          Lean testing
-          Social media

During the conference we want to focus on the technical and educational aspects.

If we have overlooked a theme that you believe should be mentioned, please let us know. Depending on your explanation we may include it.

What we expect
Our goal is to create a test event that will inspire testers and prepare them for the future. What will the job look like? What are the current challenges and how can we address these? We invite you to present your view on the technological or educational aspects.

About the sessions
Your presentation can be in English or Dutch and should be 30 minutes in length (Q&A included).


Selection process
The papers will be shortlisted on the basis of the themes mentioned above. Presentations with the most striking perspectives will be chosen above other papers. Incomplete proposals or proposals that do not comply with the themes will be returned to the applicants for resubmission.

The deadline for sending in a proposal has passed.
We have informed all senders about the status of their proposal. The program of the conference will be published on this website soon.

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Wat is De Nederlandse Testdag?

'De Nederlandse Testdag' is een conferentie over alle aspecten van software testen waarbij wetenschap, onderwijs en bedrijfsleven elkaar ontmoeten om nieuwe ideeën en inzichten te delen.


Organisatie Testdag 2015: testdag2015@testdag.nl
Website administrator: webmaster@testdag.nl