IoT needs IoT

Tom van de Ven


The IoT (Internet of Things) needs Innovation on Testing (also IoT). The IoT needs itself as a perpetual motion to stay in business/expand/work. We couple “Things” together to mash up a huge cloud of data that can be mined. Without Things we wouldn’t have other Things.

Great all these innovations and explosion of Things (up to 10 IP related devices per person according to Microsoft) but how to keep up with testing these newly invented Things? We need an Innovation on Testing to keep up; a shift focus towards InterOperabilityTesting (again IoT). Also shift focus towards models and simulation because with these large amounts of Things we can’t create the physical High Tech test environments any more. Another shift is needed toward Crowdtesting (when are we ready to Crowdtest and how do we communicate with our testing crowd?).

All these questions on the Innovation on Testing to test the IoT I will address in this talk. This is also still an open discussion since we don’t know that much on testing the IoT chain. We can answer how to test physical (high tech) devices: Things. With Quick Tech Testing I can even give a very fast 4-step approach in doing this. This talk is on my search to an approach to testing the IoT and what viewpoints we need. With creating a blueprint for an IoT solution, my first version of an IoT test approach comes to life.



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