
  1. De Oerknal
    Sportcentrum Universum
    Science Park 306
    1098 XH Amsterdam
    Route en contact, klik hier.

  2. Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
    Science Park 904
    1098 XH Amsterdam
    Route en contact, klik hier.

  3. Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
    Science Park 123
    1098 XG Amsterdam
    Route en contact, klik hier.

  4. ACE Venture Lab
    Science Park 402
    1098 XH Amsterdam
    Route en contact, klik hier.


  • Nederlands
  • English (UK)

Current Edition

Interested in organizing The Dutch Testing Day? Please contact one of the Steering Committee members.

What is The Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag)?

The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

Contact Us

Organizer Testdag 2016: testdag2016@testdag.nl
Website administrator: webmaster@testdag.nl