Peter M. Kruse - Berner and Mattner

sponsored session

TESTONA – Next level Classification Tree Method and Combinatorial Test Design

Combinatorial Test Design is a proven technique for obtaining black box test. In this talk we share what’s beyond conventional “Datacombinatietesten”.

We have extended the classification tree method by useful aspects such as test case prioritization or test evaluation for cause analysis, as well as test coverage analysis in terms of combinatorial power and requirements coverage.
So we’ll focus on the interplay with Requirement Management Tools (e.g. IBM Ration Doors) and Test Management Tools (e.g. HP QC, HP ALM).

All this is packed into the new TESTONA, test design using the classification tree method.


Peter M. Kruse is Field Application Engineer and leads the TESTONA product development at Berner & Mattner. He holds a diploma in Informatics and is an experiences software developer and tester with focus on evolutionary, search-based testing and the classification tree method. His project experience includes hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) tests, model driven development (MDD) and evolutionary structural and functional testing. He leads the development auf the test design tool TESTONA.

Click HERE for the presentation of Peter M. Kruse

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The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

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