The submissions will be evaluated by the programme committee of the Dutch Testing Day which includes

  • Axel Belinfante (Universiteit Twente)
  • Henk van Dam (Collis)
  • Hans-Gerhard Gross (Technische Universiteit Delft)
  • Bart-Jan de Leuw (Logica)
  • Iris Pinkster (Professional Testing BV)
  • Maurice Siteur (Capgemini)
  • Mariëlle Stoelinga (Universiteit Twente)
  • Jan Tretmans (ESI en Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
  • Tim Willemse (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)

Current Edition

Interested in organizing The Dutch Testing Day? Please contact one of the Steering Committee members.

What is The Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag)?

The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

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