
Organizing Committee

The 20th Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag) was organized by:

  • Esther van der Stappen (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences)
  • Wishnu Prasetya (Utrecht University)
  • Kees Blokland (Polteq)
  • Liliane Kok (Polteq)

The organizer of Testdag 2014 can be reached at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or Twitter: @NLTestdag.

Programme Committee

The proposals were judged by an independent Programme Committee, consisting of: 

  • Mariëlle Stoelinga (on behalf of the Steering Committee)
  • Ronnie van ’t Westeinde (on behalf of the Steering Committee)
  • Iris Pinkster (on behalf of the Steering Committee)
  • Maurice Siteur (on behalf of the Steering Committee)
  • Wishnu Prasetya (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)
  • Esther van der Stappen (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)
  • Kees Blokland (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)


Special thanks to Michele Volpato for building and supporting the website.




Current Edition

Interested in organizing The Dutch Testing Day? Please contact one of the Steering Committee members.

What is The Dutch Testing Day (De Nederlandse Testdag)?

The Dutch Testing Day ('De Nederlandse Testdag') is an event where software test experts from industry and academics meet and learn from each others knowledge in the field of Software Testing.

Contact Us

Organizer Testdag 2016:
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